KIC 6118779RA: 290.2789DEC: 41.4117Current epoch: 15650Current orbital phase: 0.1998Orbital period [d]: 0.3642464Reference minimum [bjd]: 54964.621050Kmag: 15.5100Median maxima separation [phase]: 0.50994Median O'Conell effect [flux]: -0.01668405694716Effective temperature (KEBC) [K]: 5428.0000Slope of the maxima height relation: -0.95417921856909Slope of the maxima separation v. minima depth difference relation: 2.59095066705501Minima timing (precise)Minima timing (parabolic fit):O'Connell effect evolution:Maxima separation evolution:Maxima height relation (absolute):Maxima height relation (relative):Maxima separation v. minima depth difference: